Monday, April 13, 2015

Be Awesome!

We hope that you enjoy these shapshots of some of our latest learning adventures! :)

Boosterthon Fun Run!!!

 Magnet Unit Stations!! 

Author Chris Rumble visited our school!!!
Here is a link to his website:

Look at these book characters who visited our classroom!!

 Rachel brought us in a Snazzy Snack to represent and honor Dr. Seuss!!:) YUMMY!!

A little bit of indoor recess creativity!!

Wonder Wednesday in our Classroom!! One Wednesday we wondered "Who Invented Money?"
Here is the link to the Wonder...

I loved this response...

We had a visit from a special scientist who taught us about weather! :)

We went to The Invention Convention in Greenville!! :)

Hats off to Olga for showing Pride in our classroom!!

Some more indoor recess FUN!

Hats off to Kinsley for making us laugh with her sense of humor!!

Rileigh brought in Dirt Sundaes for Snazzy Snack!! 

We couldn't help but have some FUN with our Robert Munsch author study!!
Here is a link to his website:

Silly Sock Day!!

Crazy Hair Day!!

Math was extra fun before Spring Break...
They had to find plastic eggs hidden around the classroom that had a graphing problem in it to solve! They had too much fun!!:)

I had chocolate donut holes with sprinkles on their desks when they came in Monday morning after Spring Break and then they got to go around the room and complete a Spring Break Survey to see what their friends did over the break!:)